Visa Fee (long-stay visa)

Visa fee for a D-visa is 100 €

Children 6-11 years 40 €

Please note that visa fee will be taken for processing the visa application.


Visa fee may be paid either:

  • by CARD (amount of euro (€) equivalent of Indian rupees). Visa fee has to be paid while lodging the application at the Estonian Embassy.
  • by BANK TRANSFER to the bank accounts of the MINISTRY OF FINANCE of Estonia

Attention! The Embassy does not accept cash payments.

Bank accounts of the MINISTRY OF FINANCE of Estonia for collecting the visa fee are the following:

SEB Pank
IBAN: EE891010220034796011

IBAN:  EE932200221023778606

Reference number:  2900073630
Subject:  Review of visa applications (Full name, Passport number)

The reference number must appear first in the explanation field of the international payment order.

Please make sure you can make international payments with your card!

If paying by bank transfer, be sure to make this payment at least 5 working days before coming for your appointment at the Embassy.


Last updated: 1 September 2023